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Contact Us

AL-Amana Pack Co.


Main Office

Aleppo - Syria - Halab AlJadeedah

TEL: +963 21 5213614

FAX: +963 21 5216794

MOB: +963 944 773519

E-Mail: info@alamanapack.com


Main Branch

Aleppo - Syria - Sabea Bahrat Street

TEL: +963 21 3636627

FAX: +963 21 3636652

MOB: +963 967 788810


You can reach us by phone or you can also share all kinds of your opinions, suggestions, thanks, new ideas and demands with us from the part below with a written application. All of your applications will be evaluated punctiliously and you will be informed within the shortest time.

Thank you for your time and interest.

Mr. Mrs.

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